Cut Negative Energy Cords Now

This video is ALL about negative energy cords. Learn more about them PLUS receive healing energy and get them cut now from you aura and chakras!

Connect to this video to:

✨ Learn what energy cords are/how they work

✨ Signs you need to cut negative energy cords

✨ Simple technique to cut them yourself

✨ Receive healing energy to have your negative energy cords cut

Especially if you're a spiritual practitioner, lightworker or big-hearted spiritual woman on the journey of bringing your soul gifts, healing and light into the world-- you gotta keep those negative energy cords cut!

If you stay receptive to receiving healing energy to cut your cords, negative energy cords will be cut. I can’t guarantee all of them will because it’s a healing video and a lot depends upon your level of faith and receptivity.

However, in one-on-one sessions I make sure that negative energy cords are cut from my client’s aura and chakras in each session. Click here to explore how Pranic Healing can help you overcome your inner obstacles and fulfill your soul purpose so you can make a bigger impact with your unique expression.

Let me know in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you— how are you feeling after getting negative energy cords cut in this video?

Many blessings to you! 💖 Suzie


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