Energy Healing for Empowerment, Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward

Feeling stuck? Receive Pranic Healing to help you release inner blockages, raise your frequency and move forward towards your destiny with power and inspiration!

Are you feeling stuck, unmotivated or blocked?

Do you want to feel inspired by and connected to the energy of your desired future, whether it's a fulfilling career, romantic relationship, more money, more friends or a positive lifestyle change?

Do you want to move forward with energy, motivation and inspiration again?

Then this mini Pranic Healing video is for you!

Not only will you get clear on what your inner blockage is AND your dream vision moving forward... But you will receive healing energy in this video as long as you remain open and receptive with faith.

For best results with deeper and faster transformation, I invite you to invest in one-on-one sessions with me over Zoom, sweet soul! Click here to learn more about my energy healing services and book a free Discovery Call today!

Comment below-- How are you feeling after the healing video??

Wishing you the power, inner strength, passion and faith to move forward towards your destiny and everything your heart and soul wants to experience in this lifetime!

Many blessings, Suzie 🩷

*Warnings & Disclosure

Do not connect to the healing portion of this video if you are 16 or under, very old, pregnant or have high blood pressure, glaucoma or heart issues.

Suzie DeVoe is simply an Associate Certified Pranic Healer on a mission to help others on their own healing journeys. She is not a Pranic Healing instructor and does not represent any Pranic Healing organization.

Music: Satya Yuga, Monumental Journey and The Sleeping Prophet by Jesse Gallagher

Release Repressed Emotional Baggage and Inner Blockages (Video Transcript)

Welcome to this healing video, I'm Suzie DeVoe! I'm an Associate Certified Pranic Healer and founder of Rainbow Spirit Healing. I'm super passionate about helping people release repressed emotional baggage, negative thinking, energetic blockages, and any inner obstacles that are preventing them from moving forward and living the life that their heart and soul dreams to experience.

One of my biggest ethos while working with clients is that all of us are divine essence. We are the soul at our core and we are beings of divine light, divine love and divine power.

Anything blocking our ability to move forward and manifest and experience the life that we really dream of experiencing is related to inner energetic blockages.

These are caused by limiting belief systems, repressed emotions, any negative thoughts that we have that are enslaving us and preventing us from being receptive to the ideas that will call us to take action that will deliver us the results that we want in our lives.

Get Unstuck and Move Forward

I'm really excited to bring to you this healing video to help empower you to get unstuck and move forward in your life!

Whether that's a career shift, whether that's making more friends, whether that's finding a romantic relationship, whether it's making more money. Whatever it is you want to do and you feel stuck in doing it, there's some sort of blockage.

Some other signs you might be feeling stuck are feelings of powerlessness, of being in victim mode and feeling like you're trapped and there's no way for you to change your circumstances even though at higher levels you know that you can. You just feel so negative and weighed down. You also feel frustrated because you want to experience something different than you're experiencing, but you're just not letting yourself.

In this video, we will explore what that inner blockage is.

Your Struggles are Actually a Blessing

This is something I've struggled with a lot in my life and I'm prone to going into victim mode. But what I’ve uncovered is this is really a blessing for you to dig deeper and understand your inner psyche and deeper subconscious belief systems or repressed emotions or traumas that are holding you back.

It’s a blessing because once you release these inner blockages and you overcome this wall, then you will literally evolve into the next chapter of you and the higher version of yourself that you're destined to become.

All throughout our lives, we're supposed to evolve and change. And when we don't move forward, according to how our soul wants us to, we end up feeling stuck.

Two Aspects: Uncovering the Inner Blockage and Connecting to Your Future Vision

There's two aspects to the situation. The first is uncovering the inner blockage that's preventing you from moving forward. The second part is so important. You need to connect your energy and your thoughts and your emotions to the next chapter of your life.

You need to feel more connected to the future than you are to the present, which will help you morph into the next chapter. It's really hard to move forward if you don't know where you're going and you don't have a clear vision of where you want to go.

I see this a lot with clients who get really stuck on where they are with all their problems. And of course things aren't changing because they’re so stuck in the problem! They can't see the answer because they’re not open to receiving the answer that will lead them forward.

It's all about shifting your energy to where you want to go.

What Inner Blockage is Holding You Back?

Let's start doing the work! So I want you to take a second and look inside. Ask yourself— What is the biggest thing that's preventing me from moving forward? 

It could be fear. Fear of the unknown or fear of change.

It could be unworthiness. It could be trauma. For example, if you're looking for a new relationship and you haven't processed the heartbreak and trauma of past relationships, then of course you're going to fear attracting someone in.

If you’re having trouble answering that question and you're unclear, then just the act of asking the question will deliver you the answer in the near future. So in the next few days, be aware and be open. Maybe you'll be exercising and the answer will just drop in your head or you'll be walking in nature or like doing something creative where you're in a flow state and the answer will just come to you. Stay aware and have faith that the answer will come.

Connect to the Clear Vision of the Future that You Want to Manifest

This is is my favorite part— connecting to what you want!

What is your clear vision of your life moving forward? Either a general view of all the different areas of your life,  or if you're struggling in like this one area, you could just focus in on that.

What is the vision moving forward that you want to get to past whatever inner obstacle you have? 

If it's a career, what is the career shift? What does your day look like every day showing up to this new job that you feel so fulfilled in and happy in and serving others with your gifts?

If it's a romantic relationship, what does it look like to be with this new person? And how does it feel?

If you're trying to heal your physical body, what does it feel like to be in complete health? How does it feel to be in a healthy body?

Feel the Emotions of Your Manifestation and Practice Visualization

That's the important part— How does it feel? What emotions come up? What's the energy of this situation? You want to connect with this more than you're connecting to your present reality.

I’d recommend everytime you wake up and go to bed, do a visualization and feel the emotions in your body like it's here right now and you have already it. When you do this, you will more easily attract it into your present day reality.

It's so important to have a clear vision, but also feel the emotions and the energy and the feeling of that future state that you want to experience. Spend more time of your day in this state.

Have Faith!

Another important aspect is have faith that it's coming.

Just the act of faith and knowing that you will experience this is so huge because it dispels any doubt, which is a big obstacle itself. Once your doubt is gone, you more easily, rapidly and properly allow this beautiful experience into your life. 

If you struggles with doubt, this is what I do. When I feel a lot of doubt come up, I examine other people who have what I want and realistically ask myself, can I have what they have? And the answer always is, of course I can!

I'm also smart and capable. Why can't I have that, right? If there's someone else in the world that's experiencing what you experience, which is probably tons of people, then why can't you?

When You Receive Good Ideas, Take Action On them

Here's an important thing, too. Once you start visualizing, feeling and affirming that your future state is your now reality and you feel so happy and grateful that it's coming to you, you will get ideas to take action.

If it’s a good idea, act on it! When you’re feeling aligned with your dream vision, the ideas that come to you are actually intuitive hints from your higher soul and the higher spiritual beings that work with you. Follow through on these ideas because they are bridges that can lead you to your desired future state.

Let’s say you get these amazing ideas that feel awesome but you're not following through with action. In this case, there is something blocking you. You have some sort of energetic blockage that’s preventing you from taking action. And again, this is a great opportunity to explore what that inner blockage is!

Is it a limiting belief? Is it some sort of repressed emotion or trauma? It’s so important every step of the journey when you feel blocked to explore— what is blocking me and how can I shift it? 

If you want help breaking down your ideas and calls to action into like a doable plan to help you manifest your visions into reality, I recommend checking out another mini healing video I made, Energy Healing to Achieve and Manifest Your Goals. It will take you through step by step of like how you're going to actually reach this goal using action, which is just as important as the energy aspect.

Now onto the healing… Click Here to Receive Healing Energy from the Video (time 10:00)


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