5 Powerful, Positive Affirmations to Heal Your Chakras

Did you know your self-talk either weakens or strengthens your chakras?

I’m not talking abstractly. I mean immediately and powerfully.

The thoughts “I’m not good enough and I’m not good at this” versus “I’m so capable and amazing at what I do” have a direct and immediate effect on the amount of life force energy pulsing through your chakra, which determines their overall health and size.

Here’s a very powerful story I’ll never forget that really showed me just how powerful our thoughts, words and narratives are!

This super interesting Pranic Healing experiment demonstrates just how powerful your words are.

Last fall I reviewed the Pranic Healing Psychotherapy course with this amazing instructor, Chandan, in Denver.

We did this SUPER COOL experiment to demonstrate the powerful impact our words have on our major chakras.

We got a partner. One partner was instructed to scan the other person's root chakra while they say different things to themselves.

I went first. Chandon instructed us to say "I'll never reach my dreams. I'll never succeed. I'm not good with money."

My partner scanned my root chakra— in Pranic Healing we’re taught how to scan chakras and the energy system using our hands— for the next 30 seconds as I was saying these negative words to myself.

"Wow, your chakra got a lot smaller and weak!" I was stunned. 😳

Then, I was instructed to say, "I'm so successful. Money flows to me easily and abundantly. I get things done, fast."

After 30 seconds, my partner scanned my root chakra again. He exclaimed, "Now it's growing bigger and stronger!"

Again, I was so blown away! How could saying words for less than a minute how such a powerful effect on my root chakra??

affirmations to heal your chakras

Positive affirmations make your chakras big, healthy and strong!

How could saying words for less than a minute how such a powerful effect on my root chakra?? Our words have such a POWERFUL and IMMEDIATE effect on the health of our chakras.

Believe me, you want big and healthy chakras with a lot of life force flowing through them.

Why is that?

The more life force energy flowing through your chakras with minimal energetic blockages, the more life force energy the cells in your body will receive to properly heal themselves and stay healthy. The healthier your cells are, the less chance you’ll attract disease or injury to your body.

Also, the bigger and stronger your chakras are, the more mental and emotional energy you have, too. You tend to feel more joyful, calm, peaceful, aligned and balanced when you increase the amount of life force energy flowing through your chakras and meridians.

Therefore, the more positive and empowering your words, thoughts and narratives are, the more strong and healthy your body and mental health will be!

If you’re struggling with physical illness or your mental health, I can bet money that your chakras are not functioning as properly as they should.

As you start to heal your chakras and energy system, you will experience a corresponding acceleration in your physical health and mental health.

Check out stories from these people to explore the results people can get from energy healing.

Start saying these positive affirmations RIGHT NOW to begin healing your chakras and improve your physical and mental health…

#1 Heal your root chakra with this powerful affirmation…

If you struggle with abundance, money, getting things done and feeling grounded, chances are your root chakra has energetic blockages and is weaker or underactive.

Start saying this affirmation to immediately strengthen and pump up your root chakra now:

"I am productive, energized and very successful.

I get things done fast.

I always attract an abundance of money and opportunities."

affirmation to heal root chakra

As you say these affirmations, embody the emotion and energy of them— that is the most important part!

Notice as you repeat this affirmation, do you feel more productive, energized, strong in yourself and successful? That means you’re doing it correctly and your root chakra should be growing large in size.

As you continue saying this affirmation throughout the rest of today and days after, you will find motivation comes to you more easily.

You’ll feel more inclined to work and achieve your goals. Your chances of success and attracting money will increase.

#2 Strengthen your solar plexus chakra with this empowering affirmation…

If you struggle with people-pleasing, prioritizing other people over yourself and confidence, chances are your solar plexus chakra is weaker and needs an influx of energy.

Start saying this affirmation to immediately strengthen your solar plexus chakra now:

"I am strong, powerful, confident and worthy.

Nothing can stop me from achieving my goals.

I always stand up for myself and easily make healthy boundaries."

Experiment with these affirmations now. As you say them and embody the energy of them, do you feel more confident and strong in yourself? Like you hold your head a little higher?

positive affirmation to heal solar plexus chakra

If you do feel more confident and empowered, that means that it’s working! Your solar plexus chakra is getting bigger and more strong.

To heal deeper issues with worthiness, self-esteem and putting yourself and your dreams first, I’d recommend saying this affirmation throughout the day for at least the next 7 days. Notice how you feel before and after.

It will feel more natural to prioritize yourself, your self-care and your goals over other people with confidence and higher self-esteem.

#3 Heal your heart chakra now with this affirmation…

If you struggle with feeling a lack of compassion (or emotions in general) or connecting with others authentically in your relationships or with strangers, chances are you have energetic blockages like heartbreak, grief or trauma lodged in your heart chakra.

It might feel like you have a wall around your heart or you lack empathy, which indicates a weaker heart chakra.

You might also struggle with self-love and self-acceptance on deeper levels.

Start saying this affirmation now:

"I am a being of love and compassion.

I am patient, kind and tolerant.

I choose to love myself and others, knowing that everyone is imperfect."

affirmation to heal heart chakra

As you say and feel these words, you’ll pump up your heart chakra with this loving, compassionate energy towards yourself and towards others.

The energy of love is a very attracting energy— people just want to be around you because of the way you radiate love and kindness out into the world!

Practice this affirmation throughout the day for the next 7 days and notice not only how you feel, but also how other people respond to you in a more positive way.

#4 Strengthen your throat chakra now with this positive affirmation…

Do you struggle with authentically expressing your truth or communicating with others?

Or do you struggle with studying, strategizing and planning details so you can fully bring your ideas and creativity out into the world?

If so, you probably have a weaker throat chakra. I’d recommend saying this affirmation to give it a boost of energy:

"I love communicating and expressing myself with authenticity.

I’m amazing at studying, strategizing, and planning so I can fully express my ideas and creativity out into the world!"

As you repeat this affirmation and start identifying with the energy of it, you’ll activate and strengthen your throat chakra.

affirmation to heal throat chakra

When you have a strong throat chakra, it will feel easier to authentically communicate and express yourself to others. You'll also find it's easier to plan the details, step-by-step, of how you're going to fully execute your dreams and creative projects.

Continue repeating it throughout the day for the next 7 days with conviction and notice how things start to shift!

#5 Activate your crown chakra with this powerful affirmation…

I’d recommend practicing this affirmation if you struggle with feeling disconnected to your higher self and your conception of God/the Universe.

If you have trouble hearing your intuition or lack clarity in your soul purpose, this affirmation will also help you.

Start saying this affirmation now to activate your crown chakra and your spiritual connection:

"I am strongly connected to my higher soul, the Universe and my soul purpose.

I am always being divinely guided and protected."

As you say this affirmation with conviction and feel the energy of it, you’ll bring a stronger flow of energy from your higher soul into the rest of your energy body.

affirmation to heal crown chakra

Strengthening your crown chakra tends to align your thoughts, emotions and physical health with your divine purpose and the deeper desires of your soul. You can also experience increased intuition and synchronicities.

How do you feel when you repeatedly say this affirmation?

Again, practice saying it throughout the day for the next 7 days and notice an increase in your intuition, your faith in your spiritual connection and clarity around your soul purpose.

Let me know in the comments below— which one do you plan on practicing?

Have fun experimenting with these affirmations! Notice how you feel before and after saying these.

Any shift in your mood, thoughts, emotions, energy or outside reality is an indication that your chakras have shifted.

Want to unblock a specific chakra AND all of your major chakras in just 90 minutes? Click here to schedule a session with me!

Much love and many blessings on your healing journey 🙏💕

Suzie DeVoe

Associate Certified Pranic Healer


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