Four Spiritual Truths I’ve Found to be True as an Energy Healer

I'm sure you've heard abstract truths about your own potential, limitless possibilities, soul consciousness…

But let’s be honest, those are hard to experience in the day-to-day living, am I right??! It can be difficult feeling like a divine creator of your reality while you're doing laundry, taking the dog out for a walk or changing a baby’s diaper for the umpteenth time.

However, as a Pranic Healer for almost 7 years, I've had the absolute honor to witness and accompany people on their spiritual paths of healing, growth and transformation.

In our sessions, I've come to truly experience and see certain spiritual truths in the sweet souls I've had the pleasure of working with. As our energy connects and I channel healing energy from the Universe and Higher Spiritual Beings, it feels like my soul is connecting with their soul on another plane of limitless possibilities. Things look a lot different from a higher perspective.

Here's four spiritual truths I've found to be true with every single person I've worked with as an energy healer (and true with you, too)...

1. You truly are limitless.

As the creator of your own life, you get to decide what the fabric of your life will look like. Career, children, lifestyle, relationships, money, it’s ultimately up to you.

Out of the menu of life, what do you choose to experience?

This is where I hear objections, which is good! Really think about it. You might be thinking “but really, I can’t become a millionaire!?”

Yes, actually, you can. But it will take a big shift in your mindset, in your actions and in the way you choose to live your life. Often, that’s too much of a leap for people because it takes a large amount of energy to make those daily changes which changes the course their lives. So they decide to make modest changes instead.

Anything that looks impossible or unattainable is either:

  • Something you actually don't want on the soul level so you don't make it happen. On the surface level you think you might want it, but because you don’t want it on deeper levels, you don’t put in enough effort to make it happen.

  • Something that you actually DO really want but have limiting beliefs around it, which will stop you from actually making it happen or you’ll continuously self-sabotage when you make progress in experiencing it.

  • Something that you can have in essence but shows up in a different form than you expected. For example, you can't have biological children due to age or infertility, but you can create a similar experience by having pets, being an aunt, adopting, fostering, etc. Focus on the essence of what you want, not on the exact form.

Remember-- any obstacles to what you truly want are within you, not outside of you! Reclaim your power and own the way your life looks. Only when you do this will you feel empowered to make real changes.

2. You have all the answers within you that you can access according to divine timing.

Other people can't tell you what to do with your life. You can ask them for advice and wisdom, but ultimately, it’s up to you whether you will use it to make your own decisions.

When you ask yourself a question about what to do, what choice to make, to go or not to go in your career, relationships, finances, etc., you have the answer already within you OR your Higher Soul will guide you to the right answer. For example, you'll find it in a book, or it will stick out in a conversation with someone, or you'll relax in nature and all of a sudden it pops into your head.

Either way, you gotta look within.

When your soul and divine timing has made it accessible to you, you can access it by clearing your energy of negative thoughts, emotions and energies that will block you from receiving it. Great ways to clear your energy are through meditation, going in nature, moving your body, journalling, receiving energy healing, therapy or doing a good ol' fashioned gut test!

And when you get an answer, trust it! Move forward with awareness and intelligence, knowing that it will lead you to where you want to go.

However, when you're not supposed to know the answer yet because you haven't learned the right lessons yet, or you haven't yet met the right people, or you need to complete other steps first, clarity will NOT come to you, no matter what you do.

All you can do is keep on living your life to the fullest, day by day. Have faith and trust that the right answer will come to you when it's time. It will either become clear to you or you’ll receive a very strong impulse that will lead you to the right answer.

You are guided at all times by your higher soul and you are connected to everything past, present and future. Practice trusting in your divinity and your spiritual connection. It’s a skill you can develop with time and experience.

unique gifts skills passions and talents to share with the world

3. You have unique gifts and passions that you're meant to share with those who need them.

It could be your art, music or writing. Or it could be your technical skills.

It could be your wisdom, experience and love as a mother. Maybe it's your contagious positive energy.

Or your green thumb and love of animals. It could be your ability to really listen and hold space for others.

Whatever lights you up and fulfills you-- share it with those who will benefit from receiving it, whether they know it yet or not! Put yourself out there with courage and bless the world with your gifts, passions and skills. Trust that you have them for a reason.

Just by helping or uplifting one single person with your goodies, you help make the world a better place.

Imagine if every single person bravely shared their unique gifts with the world instead of hiding them or abandoning them for whatever reason. The world would be a much brighter, happier and lovelier place to live in. Healing the world happens on the individual level, not on the global level!

4. Your life is a reflection of your energy field, which is influenced by the sum total of your beliefs, thoughts and emotions. You create your own reality!

It’s said that big events that shape who you are, as well as meeting certain people and fulfilling soul contracts with these other people, are decided by your soul before you incarnate. These will happen to you whether you like it or not, so going with the flow is really important in life.

However, everything else you experience in life outside of these bigger events and meeting with other people are attracted into your experience by your energy field. We live in an attraction-based universe where every person, experience, and situation is drawn to us. This is the Universal Law of Attraction.

Your energy field, which is the body through which you attract, consists of the sum frequency of your belief systems, thoughts and emotions, both subconscious and being experienced in the present. Your aura, chakras, energy channels and entire energy body are filled with many emotional and thought energies that you identify with and practice.

The overall frequency of these thought and emotional forms will attract in people and experiences that you resonate with. The overall frequency of your belief systems, your thoughts and your emotions will determine what kind of day you’ll have.

For example, if you know that there's a healthy romantic relationship for you and you feel really hopeful and worthy of it, you will attract it in at the right time. You feel good about it, you feel relaxed about it and you don’t have any limiting beliefs around it. It’s like when you’re living your best life and not looking for a relationship, you find the love of your life.

But, if you want a healthy relationship but you have limiting beliefs, traumas, negative emotions and negative thoughts about it, you will attract in people who eventually reflect these back to you. Maybe you feel like you aren't worthy of being loved, or you’ve been hurt in the past, or you experienced the feeling of abandonment as a child. If you don’t take time to process, heal and release these, you will continue to attract in partners who aren’t the healthiest for you.

Your overall frequency also colors your perspective at any given moment. It’s like wearing different qualities of glasses that only allow you to see what your frequency is.

For example, when you're in a bad mood, you see everything negatively. All the blessings in your life are invisible to you when you hold that frequency. When’s the last time you felt like that? How did you experience the world in this frequency?

But, when you're feeling happy, relaxed and bright, your perspective is much more positive! You can see all the blessings in your life, you’re more able to feel love and appreciation for others and you see your future with hope. When was the last time you felt like this?

Own Your Power!

The biggest message I have for you today is own your power! Own your life! Own your reality!

Stop complaining and start doing something about it. Start by shifting the quality of your thoughts, emotions and energy field so you can see things differently and start taking action today.

Need some help? I can help you using Pranic Healing. Click here to explore my energy healing services.

You’re a divine creator, the creator of your own reality and life. What will you decide to create for yourself?

Comment below — Which one did you need to hear the most today?


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