Pranic Healing for Improving Self-Expression & Communication
Receive healing energy to remove energetic blockages in your throat chakra and other major chakras. More easily express your truth and communicate with confidence, power and freedom!

Pranic Healing for Healthy Boundaries
Learn about boundaries through an energetic lens and receive Pranic Healing to help you create and enforce healthy boundaries in this video.

How to use Karma to Transform Your Life
Learn about the Law of Karma and follow these steps to transform your life and bring more of what you want into your life, including more success, happiness, love, good relationships, money, abundance and good health!

Cut Negative Energy Cords Now
In this video you’ll learn all about energy cords, signs you need to cut your negative energy cords, a simple technique to cut your own energy cords and receive Pranic Healing energy to cut negative energy cords from your aura and chakras.

The Gratitude Meditation for Healing
Connect to this gratitude meditation to start healing and transforming all areas of your life— including your body, emotions, mind, business, career, finances, relationships, family and more! Feel the love, gratitude and abundance fill your entire being.

Pranic Healing for Consistency, Perseverance and Discipline
Connect to this video to receive Pranic Healing energy to increase your level of consistency, perseverance and discipline so you can grow your holistic business and successfully reach your goals. Great for if you’ve hit a wall in showing up consistently, you lack motivation or you’re procrastinating.

Shift Your Beliefs Now to Transform Your Holistic Business
To grow your healing or coaching business, you have to examine and transform your subconscious beliefs. Here’s how.

3 Ways Energy Healing Can Transform Your Business
Discover the 3 biggest ways energy healing can help you grow you business and bring you more success, clients and money.

Energy Healing for More Love, Money and Success
Here’s how energy healing and clearing certain chakras can increase your levels of money, success and love.

Pranic Healing for Shame
Receive some Pranic Healing for shame in this short, sample healing video. We all struggle with it— you aren’t alone! Get some relief with this video.

3 Powerful, Easy Ways to Protect Your Energy
Practice these simple, powerful techniques to protect your energy in negative environments or with negative people.

Your Intuition is Real. Here’s How You Learn to Use It.
If you want to find your purpose, fulfill your destiny and live your most joyful and magical life, you have to learn to follow your intuition. Here’s how.

Pranic Healing for Self-Criticism
Connect to this video to receive a bit of Pranic Healing for reducing Self-Criticism. Adapt a more loving, supportive and positive habit of thought towards yourself.

Uncomfortable with Receiving? You Have to Change That. Here’s How.
If you feel uncomfortable receiving gifts, money or blessings, you have to change that now—it’s preventing everything you want from coming into your life! Practice receiving with these steps.

Short Pranic Healing Session for Trauma
Connect to this short, taster Pranic Healing session to help heal trauma and feel more emotional calm, relief and freedom instead of triggered.

How to Transform Every Experience into a Blessing
Every experience, even difficult ones, have a greater purpose to them that truly favors us. Follow this step-by-step process to uncovering the blessing in every situation.

Short Pranic Healing Session for Relationship Healing
Connect to this short Pranic Healing session to heal a relationship by healing your own energy field and shifting your thoughts and emotions.

The 4 Ways to Heal your Relationships using Energy
Struggling with certain relationships? No need to blame— take your power back and use these 4 ways to heal your relationships using energy.

How Long Does it Take to Heal Emotionally? (and How to Shorten it)
Find out how long it takes to heal emotionally and follow this step-by-step process to shorten the time it takes to recover.

Short Pranic Healing Session to Boost Brain Function
Connect to this short Pranic Healing session to boost your focus, memory, creativity and cognition in 30 minutes. Fantastic for post-COVID brain fog, too.